
18 March 2015

¡España! Pay-it-forward Travel Project

We're going to SPAIN, baby! I have 4 Mosaic students and one other CV students going to Spain with me this summer for one whole month! I am working with a small company called Global Journeys, Ltd. that does a great job really personalizing the experience for the students and finding host families with which the students will best connect. The students will be staying with their host families the entire time, though I am thinking about spending a couple of days with them on the back end of the trip in Madrid so we can explore as a group.

One idea I'm rolling around in my head is embedding a "Pay-It-Forward" sort of project. The students will need to come up with some way to use their trip to enrich Mosaic, CV or our community. What I'm thinking off the top of my head is presentations when they get back that can maybe help spread the word about exchanges and home stays abroad as a means of increasing global competency and language proficiency (not to mention enhancing their resumes and portfolios). Also, I have a student that's really into history so I can see him designing a tour and presenting it to Mosaic students as he informs them about things that he saw and learned in Spain. Another student loves Spanish dance, so she might be able to develop a MiniCourse around that. I'm sure the students will have much more creative ideas than I do! Any traveling teachers have advice or ideas to help grow my seedling here?

[Image by Té y kriptonita [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons]

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